Finden Sie schnell nüsse kaufen für Ihr Unternehmen: 10 Ergebnisse

Premium Erdnüsse

Premium Erdnüsse

Unsere Premium Erdnüsse bieten eine knackige Textur und einen reichhaltigen, nussigen Geschmack. Sie sind ideal für Snacks, Backwaren und verschiedene Gerichte. Reich an Proteinen und gesunden Fetten, eignen sie sich perfekt für die Gastronomie und den Großhandel.
CAPSULES : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

CAPSULES : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics in CAPSULES Availaible in : - Blisters - Pillboxes With its innovative liquid (oily) form, EXDEN offers a practical galenic formulation that is suitable for both young consumers and adults - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, blisters, pillboxes
Frischhalte- und Konservierungsmittel

Frischhalte- und Konservierungsmittel

fermenta... Ihr Partner auch für diese Fälle! Frischhaltung, eine große Herausforderung der Lebensmittelindustrie! Absolute Frische der Rohstoffe, hygienische Verarbeitung sowie exakte Verpackung und Kühllagerung, sind die Voraussetzungen! In vielen Fällen ist trotzdem der Einsatz von Frischhalte- oder Konservierungsmitteln unerlässlich! KOMPLEX... ABER LÖSBAR Sprechen Sie mit unseren Fachberatern!


GBC Global Brokers Company UG bietet eine umfassende Auswahl an Aminosäuren für die Lebensmittel- und Sportnahrungsindustrie. Unsere Aminosäuren unterstützen den Muskelaufbau, die Regeneration und die allgemeine Gesundheit. Zu unserem Angebot gehören essenzielle Aminosäuren wie: AAKG Acetyl L-Carnitin HCL BCAA Beta-alanin Betain Anhydrat Citrullin Base Citrullin-DL-Malat Creatin AKG 2:1 Creatin Monohydrat DL-Methionin Glycin Glycin HCL L-Alanin L-Arginin Base L-Arginin Base, fermentiert L-Arginin HCL L-Arginin HCL, fermentiert L-Asparaginsäure L-Carnitin L-Cholin Bitartrat L-Cystein Anhydrat L-Cystein Mono HCL L-Cystin L-Glutamin L-Glutathion L-Histidin Base L-Isoleucin L-Isoleucin, direktverpressbar (DC) L-Leucin L-Methionin L-Phenylalanin L-Prolin L-Serine L-Threonin L-Tyrosin L-Tyrosin, direktverpressbar (DC) L-Valin L-Valin, direktverpressbar (DC) N-Acetyl L-Cystein Taurin Taurin mit Anti-Backmittel Tri-Creatin Malat


GBC Global Brokers Company UG bietet eine breite Palette an Lebensmittelfarben für die Lebensmittel- und Nahrungsergänzungsindustrie an. Unsere Produkte umfassen: Natürliches Astaxanthin 1,5%, Pulver Natürliches Astaxanthin 2,0%, Pulver Natürliches Astaxanthin 2,5%, Pulver Natürliches Astaxanthin 3%, Pulver Natürliches Astaxanthin 4%, Pulver Natürliches Astaxanthin 5%, Pulver Astaxanthin-Pulver, rein Natürliches Beta-Carotin 1% CWS, Pulver Natürliches Beta-Carotin 10%, Pulver Natürliches Beta-Carotin 10 % CWS Beadlet-Pulver Natürliches Beta-Carotin 20%, Pulver Natürliches Beta-Carotin 30%, Öl Natürliches Beta-Carotin 96%, Pulver Natürliches Beta-Carotin 96%, Pulver/Kristalloid Canthaxanthin 10 % CWS-S, Pulver Bio-Kurkuma-Wurzel-Extrakt-Pulver, 95% Curcumin Kurkuma Pulver, 5% Kurkuma-Curcumin 95%, Pulver Natürliches Lutein 1% CWS Beadlet Lutein 5% CWS-TAB Beadlet Pulver Lutein 5% CWS Beadlet/Ölpulver Lutein 10%, Pulver Lutein 10% CWS-TAB Beadlet Pulver Lutein 10% OS / Suspensionsöl Lutein 20%, Pulver Lutein 70%, Pulver Lutein Pulver 80% (Ringelblumen/Ringelblüten-Extrakt) Lutein 90%, Pulver Natürliches Lycopin-Pulver, rein Lycopin 5%, Pulver Natürliches Lycopin 5%, Pulver Lycopin 6%, Pulver Lycopin 10%, Pulver Lycopin 20%, Pulver Lycopin 96%, Pulver Lycopin-Suspension 6% Lycopin-Suspension 10% Lycopin-Suspension 20% Lycopin-Suspension 30% Natürliches Monascus Pulver Bio Paprikapulver Paprika-Oleoresin-Pulver Vitamin B2 98%, E101(i) Vitamin B2-5-Phosphat, E101(ii) Natürliches Zeaxanthin 5%, Pulver Natürliches Zeaxanthin 10%, Pulver Natürliches Zeaxanthin 20%, Pulver Natürliches Zeaxanthin 50%, Pulver
Vitamin C Pellets, gecoatet

Vitamin C Pellets, gecoatet

GBC Global Brokers Company UG bietet Vitamin C Pellets an, die ideal zur Verarbeitung in Kapseln für die Hersteller von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln hergestellt werden. Die Kapseln verfügen über eine Retardwirkung und bieten eine verlangsamte Freisetzung des Vitamins. Gerne bieten wir Ihnen an: Vitamin C Pellets min. 50%, gecoatet Vitamin C Pellets min. 65%, gecoatet Vitamin C Pellets min. 70%, gecoatet Vitamin C Pellets min. 80%, gecoatet
CHILDREN : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

CHILDREN : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics for CHILDREN (Digestion, Immunity, Allergy, Colics...) - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Available in : - Capsules (in blisters or bottles) - Powder in sticks - Oily bases in bottles with droper - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, blisters, pillboxes, bottles, bottle tops, etc.
MENTAL HEALTH : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

MENTAL HEALTH : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics for MENTAL HEALTH (Stress, Cognition, Mood, Sleep...) - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Available in : - Capsules (in blisters or bottles) - Powder in sticks - Oily bases in bottles with droper - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, blisters, pillboxes, bottles, bottle tops, etc.
ORAL HEALTH : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

ORAL HEALTH : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics for ORAL HEALTH - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Available in : - Capsules (in blisters or bottles) - Powder in sticks - Oily bases in bottles with droper - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, blisters, pillboxes, bottles, bottle tops, etc.
WEIGHT MANAGEMENT : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT : Manufacturing of food supplement with biotics in Full-service

A complete FULL-SERVICE OFFER for food supplement with biotics for WEIGHT MANAGEMENT - Tailor-made and ready-to-market formulas - Available in : - Capsules (in blisters or bottles) - Powder in sticks - Oily bases in bottles with droper - Wide-ranging sourcing of biotics: generic or scientifically documented, from referenced to niche suppliers - Large, medium, and small batches: MOQ, lead times and controlled costs -Management of packaging items: boxes, blisters, pillboxes, bottles, bottle tops, etc.